Life After NEXCOM Retirement...

THe Musings of a 60ish Retired Woman documenting her Life after Retirement.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!!

Whoo-hoo!! I just learned how to upload pictures on blogger!! Who KNEW!!! I thought you had to use Hello and bloggerbot!!! hehehehehehehehehehehehe I am getting smarter and smarter on this thing. Now if I can just figure out where i screwed up my old template I'll be fine!

Bob came over and we went into Anacortes which is about 30 miles North and on the next Island over. He heard that Anheiser/Busch was raising their prices on Jan 1, so he paniced. He went into the Northwest Brewers Store, and bought a years worth of Beer making supplies. He was afraid that the price was going to go up on hops and barley and malt also. Now mind you, this man has enough money every month to be able to buy a YEARS WORTH of brewing supplies, so he can afford the higher price on BEER!! And, oh by the way, HE DOESNT DRINK BUD!!!! He drinks micro brews, Fat Tire, Moose Drool, and others I cant remember. (Yes, Moose Drool IS a real beer!! ) He is soooooo strange. After we got the supplies, we went on down the island to a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for dinner. Burp!!

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and the 22nd year that we have been dating. I will collect my 22nd New Year's kiss from Bob, and it will be my 25th kiss total!! Tonight would have been my 39th anniversary if I had stayed married to Donna's Father. I can barely remember what he looked like, I was so young. That seems like a Life time ago. Well I guess it was wasn't it Donna? LOLOLOL

It has been raining all day long, and I was chilled to the bone most of the day. When I got home, I built a fire in the woodstove, and now I am toasty clear through. 4 cats and 1 dog are all spread out on the 5X8 rug in front of the fire. I opened the stove and picked up a log and whoosh, there they all were looking at me as if to say "it's about time!"

I do not know if I will have time tomorrow to post, as Bob wants to come over and look some things up. (oh JOY!!) :( now I really WILL have to dump all my temp files, clean out my history and defrag! He gets about 20 windows open and then cant figure out how to make it go faster, and he cant spell, so we get some really interesting hits from google!!

You all have a very Happy New Year, and Drive Safe!! I will tip toe in on N ew Years Day so I wont wake you up.


  • At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ahem...your son is 33.

  • At 4:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mary Lou - I noted your comment over at Kim's blog and I thought I'd drop a link off while it's still in the paste buffer.

    Run Windows XP Pro - probably could use 512MB just fine.

  • At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year! I can't believe the number of the year though. It wasn't long ago that we were bringing in the millenium! nj

  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger Bill said…

    Happy New Year, Mary Lou

    Now your blog is only pink on the top half. Didn't it used to be pink all the way to the bottom?

  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger Brenda said…

    We're going over to throw away some money at the casinos tonight so I'm sure I'll be wanting to come home way before midnight.

    Unless I can manage to get plastered on free drinks. (grin)

    Go ahead and kiss Bob twice this year, who knows, it might lead to new things!!

  • At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Moose Drool sounds so Canadian.
    = D

    Way to go on figurin' out the picture thing and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

    (((((huge squeeze))))

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Mary Lou said…

    Oh it isn't ME that only kisses once a year....I gave up trying. At least he is safe....

    omnipotentbenevolentempress: NO my Son is 34!! he was born in 1971! and why did you mention him? It was YOUR Dad I was married to 39 years ago yesterday!
    And YOU are 38! PHHHFFFFTTTTT!!!

    JimBob Thanks, I'll give it a look!

    Bill, It was, but I tried to tweak, and messed up the title, and tried to fix it back, and missed. LOLOLOL

    Fran, something about those Bob's huh? Only mine is REALLY different!!

  • At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    probably because you have on your little bioblurb that your son is 32 and your daughter 37 which would have put your son and daughter 5 years apart rather than the 4 years and 1 month they actually are.

    of course I cannot possibly be 38 as omnipotentbenevolentempresses are ageless and timeless.

  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year, Mary Lou!

  • At 10:59 AM, Blogger Sally said…


    Hey! You should be glad your mom remembers approximately-after all, she's no spring chick, ya know! Just kidding - she's younger than I am by 3 years (or so). :)

  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger Special K said…

    Happy New Year, Loulie!

  • At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year Hon. Hope you enjoy your kiss tonight. I am wishing that 2006 will be a really great year for you. Sending you lots of love and hugs.

    PS - Your Christmas card arrived today. Thank you soooooo much. It was beautifully made and I love the brads you used.

  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger ellen said…

    All the best for the New Year, Mary Lou.

  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said…

    3 weeks for a card to go from here to SOuth Africa! Whoo-boy! Anji got hers like in three days!!

    Glad that you liked it. Do you sell those brads? arent they cute?

  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Dick said…

    Have a happy new year Mary Lou.

  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year, Mary Lou!

  • At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year Mary Lou! At least you have a main squeeze! *snicker*

  • At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mary Lou - May you have a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!


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